Cie Dissociée circusnext - European Circus Label
© Dainius Putinas

Cie Dissociée


Marcelo Nunes
Static trapeze, fakir, clown

THE PROJECT / HERTZ questions the limits we impose on ourselves through themes of pain, resilience, and the boundaries of the impossible. At the heart of the stage lies a heap of shattered glass, interacting with movement, dance, and acrobatics. By blending fakirism and clowning, human contradictions are brought to light, inviting the audience to embrace their weaknesses and discover a more authentic, more resilient humanity.

BIO / Marcelo Nunes is an author and performer whose artistic journey is rooted in an incessant quest for novelty, influenced by his experiences in Brazil and Europe. His practice focuses on three techniques: trapeze, clowning, and fakir, exploring the wild nature of humanity.

Since his first piece Pacemaker, he has expressed his world view through a unique artistic language. Marcelo Nunes sees the body as a means of communication, immersing himself in the cruelty and beauty of the human condition. On stage, he engages the audience in an authentic dialogue, revealing an often hidden humanity. Through his creations, he seeks to foster a poetic resonance between the artist and the audience.