Think Circus! – Digital Soul Protocol
On Monday 20 January, circusnext and the Maison des Jonglages invite you to a cross conference Think Circus! #4 – Digital Soul Protocol “Repertoire and new writings in contemporary circus” at the Théâtre de la Cité internationale (Paris)*
*The conference will be streamed live on our YouTube channel. See link below :
Think Circus! #4 · European contemporary circus conference by circusnext
New writings in contemporary circus: key issues and players
For this 4th edition, Think Circus! explores the challenges to develop and present new writings in contemporary circus.
How do authors find their unique voice in an ever-evolving artistic scene? In the creative process, how do they emancipate themselves from what they have learned and transform their references? What balance can one seek between authors, presenters and audiences to leave room for artistic risk-taking, which is essential to develop new forms of writing?
Artists and professionals from the arts will discuss these issues at the heart of circusnext’s European support programme.
Panel 1 · The interplay between the construction of authors’ artistic identity and the development of new writings
What issues and spaces shape artistic writing? This round table will be an opportunity to examine what we learn and unlearn when developing an artistic identity, experiencing artistic worlds, questioning forms and influences, and constructing unique constellations. Writing as a position, whether aesthetic, political or social, as an anchor, but also as the invention of new possibilities not yet explored. How can artists give themselves this freedom? What paths can be invented through different practices and paths?
Panel 2 · The role of presenters and institutions in the emergence of new writings and the issue of shared risk with artists-authors
The art world is an ecosystem in which collaboration, exchange and co-construction are key to the emergence of new ideas. This roundtable will be an opportunity to discuss how to contribute to the emergence of unique artistic forms at the intersection of arts, societies, cultures and spaces. We will explore dialogues, unique models and attempts that, whether successful or not, make it possible to try something together. In what spaces? In what ways and with what people is risk-taking possible in the field of artistic creation?
Digital Soul Protocol · Seminar of the Maison des Jonglages’s European Project Digital Soul Protocole
Repertoire in Contemporary Circus: Stakes and Challenges
The concept of heritage in circus remains nascent, subjective and often recognised and studied only by a small group of insiders. Artists themselves refer to genealogies that are equally informal, personal, subjective and rarely claimed. Indeed, claiming a lineage or artistic family is still a bold move – it almost risks undermining one’s creative originality and identity as an author. Yet in many other arts and disciplines, such as contemporary art, homage, references, motifs, thematic influences, iterations, derivations and even reinterpretations are widely accepted as driving forces in the creative process, anchoring works in a traceable continuum that shapes history..
Panel 1 · Diving into the source code of a circus performance and engaging with the concept of repertoire: feedback from experience
Artists and researchers share their experiences, the issues, and the challenges they have faced in asserting a lineage or connection and in developing a protocol or strategy to (re)activate a circus work.
Panel 2 · Preparing the reformulation of a circus performance: From moral agreement to the toolbox, a generous and sensitive adventure ?
Artists anticipate the aesthetic and practical consequences of varying one of their works: the potential for the piece to be revived, the minimal traces required, the protocols, rules, and copyright considerations.